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Tagged “full stack development”

SolidJS: React Flavored Pre-rendered Components
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SolidJS is a framework that tries to create a simpler and faster environment by combining the best features from React and Svelte.
AlpineJS - The Most Fun You'll Ever Have Without a JavaScript File
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AlpineJS is possibly the easiest framework you'll ever learn. With just 15 attributes, 6 properties and 2 methods you'll be up and going without you knowing it.
Astro - Heavenly JavaScript Meta Framework that Deserves the Hype
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Astro tries and succeeds at something different. It's a meta framework that lets you use one or more components from any other framework including React, Vue or Svelte with Advanced features like Hydration.
Svelte - The Alternative JavaScript Framework
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NextJS is a Meta Framework that gives you almost every feature you wish React had for building apps and sites.
NextJS. The Magical Meta Framework for React
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NextJS is a Meta Framework that gives you almost every feature you wish React had for building apps and sites.
Remix. The Backend React JavaScript Framework
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Recently, there's been a move from the front end to the backend and Remix, formerly a React Router libray has graduated to a full framework giving you a lot of super cool
Pico CSS, The Exquisitely Classless Web Design Framework
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CSS frameworks are awesome, but they can often be a pain to work with. The classes you have to write get complex quickly. The main concept behind Pico is to let you create as much content as possible with little or no classes.
SplideJS - Flexible and Accessible Carousel for Web Designers
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This is a really cool library that gives you almost every option for creating different kinds of carousels. Touch enabled, has usability and accessibility features, pagination, vertical slides and really, just about any feature that I would want in a carousel.
Open Props Review: The CSS Variable Framework
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One of the ways that some CSS frameworks are trying to make things easier is by giving you a set of pre-defined variables that can help you create a consistent look for your sites. Open Props offers a modular and extensible way to create designs based on these variables
Learning from Code Samples
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Code screenshots have taken over social media timelines. Although they get a ton of engagement, how should you use them to learn and perhaps as a way to help your development team or your interviews get better.
What's New in Tailwind CSS 3
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Tailwind CSS 3 is a new version of the utility-first CSS framework that shook the world a few years ago. Let's take a look at why it's gotten so dominant so quickly and what's changed in the latest version.
Should I bother learning Astro?
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I don't like learning new things as much as the next person, but when everyone starts screaming about the next new framework everyone 'loves', I begin to understand why too much curiosity can be a bad thing.
Eta Templater
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I hadn't heard of this templating system, but it claims to be a successor to EJS, which I really loved before I got into Eleventy and Liquid.